Scott Pilgrim vs. the World was not made for everyone (which explains why did so poorly at the box office). This is clear just by glancing through the trailers. This movie was made for the anime/videogame-loving geeks everywhere (yes, i am one too). It completely embraces all of its quirky nerdiness and does not tone it down for anyone. The movie feels as if it was directed by someone with a serious case of ADD (directed by Edgar Wright, the genius behind Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz) as the audience is constantly bombarded with its self-proclamation of all things nerdy and epic. It's like watching a group of fabulously dressed flamboyant gay men at a gay pride parade. Simply great entertainment and fun. Which brings me to the point that you need to be open-minded to enjoy this movie since it will stop making any sense at all very quick.
The movie is about Scott Pilgrim (cera), a 22 yrs old, dorky bass player starting out a platonic relationship with a 17 year old high school girl while recovering from a nasty break-up with his ex-girlfriend. One night he has a dream about a girl, who he meets and is convinced that she is the girl of his dreams. It is easy to see why Romona Flowers (winstead) would be the girl of your dreams. However, Scott quickly learns that being with Romona will not be easy as simply breaking up with his high school girlfriend. He must fight and kill all of her seven evil-ex's in order to be with her. The fights do get a bit repetitive toward the end, but they are still entertaining (again with the open-mind thing, you will hate this movie, if you do not go along with the all the fighting).
I just want to add that Michael Cera is the perfect actor to play Scott Pilgrim, and that he needs to make as much movies as possible before he passes puberty and can't play the same George Michael character anymore. He is like a sad lost puppy that you can't help but love.
This movie is based on a comic book, and just as Sin City revolutionized the graphic novel to movie genre. I believe that Scott Pilgrim vs. the World does the same thing, but in its own unique nerdy way. So if you want to bring out the inner nerd in you, then by all means go and check out this movie. Player 1! Ready! Fight! Game Over!
Rotten Tomatoes- critics-80% community-82%
yong stars-8/10 (Recommended)