What do you get if you mix in a broken down hot tub, a group of middle aged losers, and an exotic energy drink? A time machine, of course. Hot tub time machine is a better movie than its title suggests, but it doesn't really bring too much to the table. It stars John Cusack, Criag Robinson, and Rob Corddry as three buddies facing a huge mid-life crises. And a magical hot tub time machine is exactly what these guys needed to re-examine and restart their lives. Overall, this movie does have its funny moments, but just don't expect too much. John Cusack seems really out of place in this movie, and you can tell from his performance that he may just be thinking the same thing. If you are in mood to just sit back and watch a silly movie and not have to think too much, then this might be what you are looking for.
Rotten Tomatoes- critics-64% community- 58%
Yong's Rating- 6.5/10 (skip it)