There are those of us who only dream but never act upon it, and there are few like Philippe Petit who does everything within his powers to achieve it. Man on Wire (2008) is a documentary about the daring French wire walker, Philippe Petit. he is a true thrill seeker who loves what he does best, putting himself within inches of death in order to entertain the audience and prove to himself that he can do anything he puts his mind to. One day, Philippe stumbles upon the challenge that he's been waiting for all his life; the twin towers. The twin towers never leave his mind, constantly taunting him, and daring him to conquer it. The documentary chronicles philippe's exhilarating chase to conquer his biggest challenge. This is a truly inspiring documentary that is sure to entertain you.
Rotten Tomatoes-Critics-100%, community-88%
Yong's Rating-8/10 (worth a look)
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