It was one of those gorgeous spring sunday afternoons. We were at the local cafe drinking coffee and reading when she suddenly turned to me with those big blue eyes and asked,
"Tell me, what would you say is the most memorable moment you've had in your life so far?"
Naturally, I was caught off guard by the question. But, I kept my cool and quickly drifted away into thought.
'Let's see, most memorable moment?... hmm.. that one time I hit the game winning shot at the buzzer in high school, my first kiss, the first time finishing a marathon, that west coast road trip I had with my buddies, graduations, birthdays, when my parents brought home a puppy, first time at Wrigley, kickass concerts, that weekend in Vegas, that time I got to sit court side for a Bulls game, first time watching Hannah and Her Sisters and Wild Strawberries...'
As random moments of my life were processing through my head, I could not help but notice how beautiful she looked sitting across from me patiently awaiting my answer. Maybe it was the way the sunlight was hitting across her face or the extra shot of expresso I ordered. To this day, I'm still not sure. But, suddenly my thoughts became very clear.
'I love the way those lines form around her mouth whenever she smiles, the way she giggles at my jokes, her unique style, the way her eyes light up whenever we pass an ice cream store, how she can sleep through two of her unearthly loud alarm clocks every morning, the intense look she gets whenever she's trying to parallel park, the look on her face when she practices her violin or paints her pictures, the way she hugs me when I get home, the way she hums whenever she gets bored, how happy she makes me feel every morning knowing someone as kind, smart and beautiful as her could love someone as plain as me.'
For the first time in my life I was content with everything and it was all because of her. Without giving anymore thought, I replied,
"All the moments I've had so far are nothing compared to the wonderful moments that I plan on making with you. So I guess my answer is that my most memorable moment is still yet to come."
"Awww..." She responded with the tone of voice she uses whenever she talks to her dog.
"I was going to take our first date as an acceptable answer, but I guess that'll do too."
She smiled at me and quickly broke into laughter. I couldn't help but join in. She may not have realized just how honest and sincere my answer was but I didn't care. Because at that moment, I was happy just knowing that I had someone to share these laughters with for the rest of my life.
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