
Someone to watch movies with.

If I can dream up the perfect person to watch movies with I think she might be something like this...

She can recite any lines from 'The Lion King'.
If she can have any car in the world, it would be the DeLorean. And, she would know to be careful not to exceed 88 mph just to be on the safe side.
She knows what droids they were looking for.
She'll have what she's having.
She has a bigger crush on Natalie Portman than I do.
It's ok if she gets teary from the starting sequence from 'UP'.
She's silly enough to watch 'Anchorman', but serious enough to appreciate 'Wild Strawberries'.
Holiday times mean watching 'Elf', 'Love Actually' and 'Hannah and her Sisters'.
She doesn't mind my obsession with Woody Allen movies. And she thinks it's cute one of my main reason for wanting to visit NYC is so I can run into him.
She has thought at least once that erasing your memories of someone like in 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind' wouldn't be such a bad idea.
Her favorite documentary is 'Hoop Dreams'.
Her favorite movie is 'The Princess Bride'.
She thinks soundtrack to 'Garden State' is a soundtrack to her own life.
She always has movies I need to check out and books I need to read.
Most of all, she just loves movies as much as I do. And I think that's pretty neat.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, that opening sequence to UP is a killer. I've seen that movie at least five times and I cry every time.

    No requirements about loving the Rocky films? Is that just a Jonathan thing?
